Monday, July 27, 2009

My name is Nery...

Everyone is most probably fed up with this so called “25 random things about me” but I’m still gonna write them anyway. It took me ages to come up with things that are at least vaguely interesting about me. Some few things that would make me seem like a fairly rounded person rather than completely nuts.

1. My real name is Nerissa although I never got used to being called this way. My friends in Manila call me Nery, Ners, Nersky or sometimes Riza. Only close friends and family know my secret name: Isa. (English translation: one) ~ not a secret anymore I guess ~
2. I joined and won in a declamation contests several times in elementary school.
3. I was fat in high school. Yaikks!
4. I collect paper bags. I have so many of them.
5. I love perfumes. I mean expensive perfumes. I don’t use them everyday but I feel good whenever I see my perfumes lined up in my bathroom.
6. I place so much importance on men’s oral hygiene.
7. I don't understand what people see in the Godfather trilogy. But I like it.. I watched it many times. Haha!
8. I like doing things in the last minute.. Gives me Adrenalin rush.
9. One of my obscure ambitions is to be a ramp model. I want to have incredibly long legs, a hair that never goes wrong and a wardrobe full of Prada,
10. I have a long standing crush on Keanu Reeves.
11. I have always wanted to learn French. Oh! That sexy French accent!
12. I want to be an author and I still have an ambition to write a best-selling novel now. I have some stories in mind; however, I never get around to writing them.
13. I am not sure about my Blood type until now.
14. I love to travel.
15. I used to clean our school cafeteria in elementary school. I still don’t understand why I used to like doing that for FREE.
16. I like Sophie Kinsella’s novels, particulary the Shopaholic series. I want to be Becky Bloomwood and I want to marry Brandon.
17. I’m terrified of Freddie Kruger’s movies. His films literally give me nightmares.
18. I have a morbid fear of snakes or any creature that crawls.
19. I want to learn the piano and I want to perform in front of all the people that are dear to me.
20. I love cats. Strange enough, I bought a dog.
21. I like easy listening and ballads.
22. I have a terrible handwriting. I got it from my mom. ^^
23. I hate messy and disorganized places, it makes me physically ill and yet I am not very good at organizing things. I need help.
24. I want to have a huge farm!
25. I’m a hopeless romantic.

“I have way more than 25 random things and most of them are extremely interesting and juicy. My close friends know some of them and the joy of our growing friendships is discovering what those random things are in each other — -"

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